Hello there...
Programming on the beach, eh?
Über-cool eighties ad, as seen on myblogitsfullofstars.blogspot.com
Hello there...
Programming on the beach, eh?
Über-cool eighties ad, as seen on myblogitsfullofstars.blogspot.com
No, not from here, but I ran across this interesting site today : http://samples.kb6.de/downloads_en.php
Lots of free vintage and modern drum machines drum sets, in wav format, and some available through donation. A very good resource overall.
And while I'm at it, some free samples on the more commercially oriented Dubsounds, which also feature info on the boxes and an excellent Polymoog article.
I've purchased this cheap sampler last week, first to add some loops and fx to the live act, then to experiment a bit with chopping and things like that...
First thoughts : nice, cheap little machine, with a straightforward interface (which could still be simpler, but...).
I've been essentially busy putting samples from my own albums in there to play live, but this weekend I'll try to create some beats and loops and post that.
I needed a new guitar, having been borrowing the red Eastwood Airline you can see on the gig pics down there for some months.
I knew I wanted a hollow body guitar, because it seemed to fit my "clean modulated" sound better, and after reading some reviews and testing some guitars at my usual shop, my heart set on the Epiphone Emperor II Joe Pass.
I won't do a detailed review here because I'm more of a keyboard player, but let's just say it's a really really good deal. Warm, rich, open sound, and awesome looks.
I don't actually have anything for you to hear, but I thought I'd chime in anyway to say that I've been working all weekend on the cover EPs series (that is, the series of cover songs EPs I'm preparing for spring)...
I've laid down the basic tracks for two Syd Barrett songs : a lo-fi, funky rendition of "No Man's Land", with Moog bass passing through a EHX Big Muff fuzz pedal and some rocking Rhodes, and a catchy, clubby, psychedelic "Late Night", complete with nice Crumar pads...
I also taped a classical piano version of "We Will Rock You", with tons of intricate piano and Moog lines. Yeah, you heard me. It's gonna be awesome.
I don't know exactly the order in which I'll release all these EPs, but it'll probably be something like, Police EP on march 1st, Queen EP on april 1st, David Bowie EP on may 1st, etc... one per month till I drop dead.