Took my old, ooooooold 4-track recorder back from its dark, daaaaaaark hole in the attic.
This was my first serious recorder, which I used between 1990 and 1995 (switching to computer recording).
I have plenty of absurdly embarrassing tapes from that era, and if I can find some barely listenable ones, I'll post some.
Don't let me down! Post that 4 track goodness! you know there's some good stuff in those secret vaults.
I had second thoughts!
All right, all right, I'll find something people can listen to without bleeding ears...
C'est marrant, j'aurais dit 1992 pour le 4 pistes, tu l'avais avant ?
Il me semble, mais je peux sûrement me tromper, c'est loin!
Y'a des années marqueurs quand même à cette époque !
Mitterrand était président, c'est tout ce que je peux dire.
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